Helpful Hormone Websites

Click here to understand the female hormones, you must start with the endocrine system, a series of glands that produce and secrete hormones that the body uses for a wide range of functions. These control many different bodily functions, including respiration, metabolism, reproduction, sensory perception, movement, sexual development, and growth. Glands produce hormones, and when the glands are not doing their job, you get sick. One of those most significant factors is stress. As women enter the perimenopausal and menopausal phases, they care for their growing children and their aging parents. Talk about a stress sandwich! Stress can cause "stress-eating," often including sugar. Sugar heightens hot flashes. It's never just one factor; everything we do is inter-related and connected.   

Warning signs that hormones are out of balance vary in symptoms; however, it’s important to know what to look for during the ages of 35-55. Use this website to help determine if you have a hormonal imbalance.

To help with irritating symptoms such as hot flashes, depression, and weight gain, adopting a holistic, healthy lifestyle can help. “You have to work a little, and there's no magic bullet. But simple changes can help with almost every symptom.” This website gives additional helpful suggestions.

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