Hi there! I am Danielle Jantzen, an ACE certified Health and Bod E Talk Coach. I have a Bachelor's degree in Health Science with an emphasis in Promotion and Wellness. My hobbies include dance, gardening, and enjoying the outdoors. My favorite food is curry, and I love dark chocolate.

My biggest accomplishment in life is raising my 5 kids. I am a wife and mother to 4 sons and 1 daughter, and they mean the world to me. They are part of my "why" to keep myself in the best health possible.

The human body is an amazing gift from God. The more I learn, the more in awe I am at the workings of our bodies and their ability to heal themselves. My life has come with physical ailments from mold toxins to asthma, Celiac, Hashimotos, and other hormone imbalances. I have experienced health and sickness. With Bod E Talk, we learn to listen to our bodies and interpret what it is trying to tell us. It knows what it needs; we must listen and help it.

As a health coach, I strive to ally with you to celebrate your strengths and boost you through your struggles. I strive to focus on the plethora of delicious, nourishing foods and wonderful activities available to help you on your health journey. My theory is when you fill your life with the positive; there is less room for the negative. I am excited to help you on your journey to being the best you.


Email: jantzendanielle@gmail.com



What is something people don't know about you?

I play the piano.

Where is your favorite place?

 Home, but for vacation, the beach.

Prepping my favorite meal, curry

When I was a child, I was scared to try new things, until about the age of 10, when my thought process flipped. Now, I like to push myself to try new things, like snowmobiling.

Don't take just my word for it.  Here is one of my favorite success stories from a member! 


“Bod E Talk has been one of the scariest yet rewarding journeys I’ve ever taken. Since beginning with Bod E Talk, I have gained a new understanding of my body and what fuel I need to thrive, as opposed to looking at my food and exercise choices as punishments or rewards. I now see it as being what I am able to do, and choices I am in charge of, to treat my body well and push myself to new heights of health that I truly thought were unattainable. I have more confidence and comfort in my body than I have ever had. The biggest part for me has been overcoming emotional, stress, and binge-eating patterns, and replacing that with freedom to make healthy choices that are beneficial for me, and have nothing to do with cravings or outside pressures.

Click HERE for more stories of transformation from people just like you! 

And register HERE to invest in yourself and reserve me as your coach on your next Bod E Talk Session!